Throughout my career, I’ve always had at least one project on the go outside work - call this a personal, learning, or passion project - it all amounts to the same. I’ve got a lot of benefit out of these projects - sometimes, I approach them deliberately to try out a new technique or tool. Sometimes, I just enjoy the...
Just a quick little way to reformat or otherwise transform a value to be used as the label in a select, radio button, or checkbox collection group in a Rails form: Given I have an enum defined like so: class User enum :distance_unit, { mi: "mi", km: "km" } end And translations defined like so: en: distance_units: km: Kilometer (Metric)...
Bad (but not obviously so): data = { greeting: "Hello, world!" }" <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p><%= greeting %></p> ").result_with_hash(data) # => <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p>Hello, world!</p> The question is - what happens if greeting is something different…like <script>alert('greeting!')</script>? Perhaps, if you’re used to Rails, not what you might expect: data = { greeting: "<script>alert('greeting!')</script>" }" <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p><%= greeting %></p>...
For quite a while, I managed to find something interesting to write up each work day. Unfortunately, life got in the way, and as is easy to do, this habit stopped. I’m hoping to get back into writing, and I’m trying to do this by making it easier to write up a post without leaving my flow as much. To...
I don’t know if this is interesting to anyone, but on Friday and for an extra hour or two in the weekend, I was playing around with calculating an elevation profile for walking tracks in NZ. I started with a dataset from from the Department of Conservation (which for AU is responsible for walking tracks and facilities at a...
TIL that aria- attributes get the same treatment in Rails tag helpers as data-. That is, you can do: link_to "X", y_path, aria: { pressed: true } -> aria-pressed="true" OR link_to "X", y_path, "aria-pressed" => true -> aria-pressed="true" I can’t find any multi-dash aria properties on MDN, but I imagine Rails will follow the same formatting rules of turning underscores...
Trix is fairly new to me, but now that it’s closely integrated with Rails, it’s become by go-to for rich text editing. I’ve been working on a project where I wanted a text field with some basic rich text capabilities, but I wanted the input to look like a normal textarea. This would allow standard text entry, but allow users...
View specs are great. While I always keep in mind they are a unit test and do not test the full integration of a feature, I find that they are fantastic for asserting around all the edge cases of a feature - things like the expected validation messages showing up, or buttons appearing or disappearing based on different scenarios. I...
entr is a tool I’ve been using a bunch recently - mostly for watching source files, and running tests when I change the source file. entr can be piped one or more files, which means it’s really easy to use - just use ls, find, or any other tool that outputs filenames, and then pipe it to entr: ls app/models/widget.rb...
I have a React component that is part of a wider Ruby on Rails application. It fetches a record, and if the record does not exist, it redirects to the server-rendered 404 page. Unfortunately, while the user will see the ‘not found’ page, the HTTP status code will be 200 OK by default, because this page is static. Best practise...