Virtualtrails uses Strada to bridge native iOS code to the web application, including notifications, native Apple + Google Signin and Apple Healthkit integration. I added a feature yesterday to replace a Bootstrap dropdown with a native iOS sheet, just because it’s a more intuitive experience for users.

Strada has two parts - the web side (which is in the form of a Stimulus controller with some guards built in so it only runs when Strada’s native side is available), and the iOS side (which is in the form of a ‘component’ which receives ‘messages’ from the web side, and can reply to them).

The Strada Bridge Component is pretty straightforward:

import { BridgeComponent, Message } from '@hotwired/strada';
import { Turbo } from '@hotwired/turbo-rails';

interface PresentDropdownNavigationSheetLink {
  text: string;
  url: string;
  style: string;

interface PresentDropdownNavigationSheetData {
  selectedLink?: PresentDropdownNavigationSheetLink;
  links: PresentDropdownNavigationSheetLink[];

interface PresentDropdownNavigationSheetMessage extends Message {
  data: PresentDropdownNavigationSheetData;

export default class DropdownNavigationSheetController extends BridgeComponent {
  public static component = 'dropdown-navigation-sheet';
  public static values = { links: Array };
  private readonly linksValue: PresentDropdownNavigationSheetData[] | undefined;

  public present(e: Event): boolean {

      { links: this.linksValue },
      ({ data }: PresentDropdownNavigationSheetMessage) => {
        if (data.selectedLink) {

    return false;

When the ‘present’ action is triggered from the element, it sends a ‘present’ message to the iOS component, with the links to present in the action sheet. Each link has text, a URL (most of the time a path in my case), and a style (which maps to the iOS action sheet item styles). iOS will respond with a message when the user selects an action, with the selectedLink property filled in. I then use Turbo to ‘visit’ this URL - this is essentially window.location, but with extra powers around other native integration (e.g. open a URL modally).

The iOS code is super simple, it just responds to ‘present’ messages by opening an action sheet, and replying with the selected item:

import SwiftUI
import Strada

final class DropdownNavigationSheetComponent: BridgeComponent {
    override class var name: String { "dropdown-navigation-sheet" }

    override func onReceive(message: Message) {
           guard let event = Event(rawValue: message.event) else {

           switch event {
           case .present:
               handlePresentEvent(message: message)

    private var viewController: UIViewController? {
           delegate.destination as? UIViewController

    private func handlePresentEvent(message: Message) {
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
        guard var data: PresentMessageData = else { return }
        let links = data.links

        for (index, link) in links.enumerated() {
            let action = UIAlertAction(title: link.text, style: link.actionStyle()) { [weak self] _ in
                let newData = PresentMessageData(links: links, selectedLink: links[index])
                self!.reply(with: message.replacing(data: newData))

        let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel, handler: nil)

        viewController!.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)


private extension DropdownNavigationSheetComponent {
    enum Event: String {
        case present

    struct DropdownNavigationSheetLink: Encodable, Decodable {
        let url: String?
        let text: String
        var style: String = "default"

        func actionStyle() -> UIAlertAction.Style {
            switch {
            case "destructive":
            case "cancel":

    struct PresentMessageData: Encodable, Decodable {
        let links: [DropdownNavigationSheetLink]
        let selectedLink: DropdownNavigationSheetLink?

I use some ! assertions in here to make sure things fall over when properties I expect to be defined are not. Honestly I could probably change these to be ? and it can just do nothing.

The markup that invokes this is also pretty simple. I build the links collection in ERB which is pretty gross, but also contained to this menu partial, and I can quite easily extract it to an object. This is one of the times I kind of want to use viewcomponents, but I also then would be adding a dependency for this one thing. The reason I pass the links as a value is just to not encode anything in the Stimulus controller, since I’ll use different links based on user access and permissions, and in different places.

<% links = [
    policy(progress_update).show? ? { text: "Share", url: share_path, style: "default" } : nil,
    policy(progress_update).edit? ? { text: "Edit", url:  edit_path, style: "default" } : nil
  ].compact %>

  <% button_attrs.merge!(data: {
    controller: "bridge--dropdown-navigation-sheet",
    action: "bridge--dropdown-navigation-sheet#present",
    bridge__dropdown_navigation_sheet_links_value: links
  }) %>

  # button_attrs then gets used to make a button, e.g.
  button_tag("More options", **button_attrs)