Internationalised ActionMailer Subjects
I’m a big fan of keeping strings out of my application code. It’s a pattern I first came across with
Android string resources,
and since then I’ve been using tools just like the i18n
gem to abstract content away from code.
Something mentioned directly in the Rails I18n guides that I really like to see used myself is the built-in support for translating mailer method subjects. As the guides mention:
If you don’t pass a subject to the mail method, Action Mailer will try to find it in your translations. The performed lookup will use the pattern
. .subject to construct the key.
This is a very handy trick, since email subjects are frequently the last remaining piece of content that exists in mailers. Along with translated templates, making mailers that support multiple languages (or even just the default locale language), is easy, with all strings moved to I18n locale files and templates.
By default, ActionMailer will use the mailer name and the action name as the I18n key if mail
called without a subject option.
Here are some examples:
class UsersMailer
def password_reset
# Key is: users_mailer.password_reset.subject
mail to:
class Admin::AlertsMailer
def alert
# Key is admin/alerts_mailer.alert.subject
mail to:
Here would be the corresponding locale file for the above examples:
subject: "New Administrator Alert"
subject: "New Password Reset Request"
I feel that understanding I18n in Rails is a really undervalued skill. Frequently, understanding the abstractions that I18n offer can lead to clean separation of content and logic, as well as inspiring some abstractions in your own application. I look forward to continuing to learn more about what can be done within the I18n framework.