This post is written stepping through the most recent stable branch of Rails on Github: 6-1-stable. It may not remain up to date.

Reading time: about 20 minutes

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How is the ‘db:migrate’ rake task defined?

The Rails gem includes ‘activerecord’ as a gem dependency:
 s.add_dependency "activerecord",  version


version is set by reading a file named ‘RAILS_VERSION’ in the ‘rails’ gem directory. In this branch, this is This means that the core gem versions like ActiveRecord track the Rails gem version exactly.

The activerecord gem adds it’s own ‘lib/` directory to Ruby’s load path:
  s.require_path = "lib"


The ‘activerecord’ gem ‘railtie’ file is require-d by Rails

This can happen in two ways: either by config/application.rb requiring ‘rails/all’, or by config/application.rb specifically loading the Railtie:

require "active_record/railtie"

&mdash: rails/railties/lib/rails/generators/app/templates/config/

ActiveRecord Railtie is evaluated

A ‘Railtie’ appears in most Rails-related gems. It’s like an initializer, but for a library to set itself up within Rails, rather than within your application. Railties are used to do things like set up default configuration, declare initiaizers, and define Rake tasks:

rake_tasks do
  namespace :db do
    task :load_config do
      if defined?(ENGINE_ROOT) && engine = Rails::Engine.find(ENGINE_ROOT)
        if engine.paths["db/migrate"].existent
          ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrations_paths += engine.paths["db/migrate"].to_a

  load "active_record/railties/databases.rake"


See that ENGINE_ROOT bit? That checks to see if ActiveRecord is being run within an ‘engine’. A Rails engine is a bit like an application-within-an-application, and it can have it’s own migrations. That’s what this code is doing - if it’s running in an engine, it checks to see if that engine has a db/migrate folder. If it does, it adds the engine’s migrations to the list of all the places ActiveRecord’s database tasks (like db:migrate) should look for migration files.

For the rest of this guide, we’ll assume we’re not in an engine, so this block doesn’t affect us. The load line is the important bit.

ActiveRecord Database Rake tasks are defined

‘databases.rake’ has a special ‘rake’ extension. ‘rake’ files are specially evaluated in the context of the rake tool, that defines such methods as ‘namespace’ (group tasks), ‘desc’ (describe what a task does), and ‘task’ (describe a sequence of actions to take).

I’m not actually sure what Rake does to automatically be able to load .rake files with the DSL methods already loaded. Maybe another post sometime?

Within this lengthy file (ActiveRecord makes use of a lot of Rake tasks to manage databases), the db:migrate task is defined:

desc "Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)."
task migrate: :load_config do


The first thing that will run here is the load_config task (that key: value syntax is how Rake task prerequisites are defined).

load_config is pretty simple as well:

task load_config: :environment do
  if ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.empty?
    ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.database_configuration

  ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrations_paths

If there aren’t any configurations, it finds them (ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.database_configuration is worth checking out - this is where your database.yml file is loaded into ActiveRecord/Rails!)

It also passes along the migrations_paths that we saw earlier when engines were being set up to the ActiveRecord::Migrator. This class will come up again in the migration process, but for now, this is just setting up the migrator to know where to load migrations for.

Speculatively, the reason this is done is because it would be technically possible to create more than one instance of a ‘migrator’, pointing at different sets of migrations. Passing this configuration in decouples the class that actually ‘runs’ the migrations from the class that controls the registry of migration file locations.

This task depends in turn on the environment task. This isn’t actually part of ActiveRecord, but of Rails.

Basically, it “loads” the application, all of it’s dependencies, initializers, etc. - all that slow stuff. No need to go into further detail here, other than to note that without depending on this task, things like Rails.env, Rails.root, and lots of other useful things aren’t available.

And now back to the ‘migrate’ task:

desc "Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)."
task migrate: :load_config do
  original_db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config
  ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env).each do |db_config|

Looks like some connection shenanigans going on there. The current database connection config is stashed in a variable, and restored using an ensure block (this code will always run, even if an exception is raised). A list of configurations is looked up matching ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env, and for each of this environments, ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate is run.

I’ve never used this, but since I was curious, ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks is quite simple:

def env
  @env ||= Rails.env


In other words, unless someone or something sets it otherwise, the environment that the migrations are run in will be the same as the rest of your application (Rails.env, set from environment variable, command line option, etc). But migrations can be run in a different environment from the rest of your application. This could be used if you had a different database user who had additional privileges to change the database schema from the user that your application normally runs with.

How is my migration run when I run bundle exec rake db:migrate?


This method is the first sign of migrations actually being ‘run’:

def migrate

  scope = ENV["SCOPE"]
  verbose_was, Migration.verbose = Migration.verbose, verbose?

  Base.connection.migration_context.migrate(target_version) do |migration|
    scope.blank? || scope == migration.scope

  Migration.verbose = verbose_was

First, the target version is checked. Usually, this version isn’t actually provided - in this case, it’s assumed the runner of the migrations wants the “latest” version. It is possible to pass an environment variable named “VERSION” though - and when it is provided, it must match the expected format.

Next, the scope is grabbed out an environment variable called ‘SCOPE’, if present, and so is the ‘verbose’ setting for migrations (unsurprisingly, using an environment variabled named ‘VERBOSE’).

There’s then a block of code that is the next step to run migrations - we’ll loop back to that, but assuming the migrations all go smoothly, the ActiveRecord cache is cleared with ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache!. This method clears a bunch of instance variables that are used to save database schema lookups at runtime.

If it looks like this method is just looking up a bunch of runtime configuration from environment variables then calling something else - that’s because it is. This block of code is simply decoupling environment-variable-based config from the actual migration process. It’s clear from the code block above that the next step lies in ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.migrate.


This method is called on a connection - that’s something a bit different from what’s been seen previously. Remember how in the db:migrate rake task definition, connections were switched around based on the migration environment? That’s where this connection comes into play. From here on in, the migration code is going to need to know which database to connect to, and how - for this reason, migration_context is defined on ActiveRecord::Base.connection (which is an implementation of an AbstractAdapter)

  • it can call self, and have an actual connection to the database.

migration_context actually just builds another class - MigrationContext. It passes two arguments to the initialize method of this class:

  1. migrations_paths - this has been seen before - it can be overridden in the connection config, it looks like (I suspect you can specify migrations_paths in config/database.yml for this to take effect), but most of the time it will fall back to the ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths method that was set in the last method.
  2. schema_migration - this has a slightly complex definition, but most of the time ends up being either a ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration class or subclass.

ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration is an interesting piece in it’s own right. It’s actually a model - a model that’s backed by a database table you may have seen before called ‘schema_migrations’. You also may not have seen it before, because most of the time it never needs to be touched. It holds the ‘state’ of which migrations have run. It has a very simple schema

  • a single string timestamp column which is also the primary key.

This class looks complicated, but is mostly a state machine to control the direction to migrate in. There are a bunch of helper methods to migrate the database, back (arbitrarily or to a particular version), forward (arbitrarily or to a particular version), one step backwards from the current version, or one step forwards from the current version.

Because we know this migration context is being called from database_tasks.rb, we’re only interested in the migrate method:

  def migrate(target_version = nil, &block)
    when target_version.nil?
      up(target_version, &block)
    when current_version == 0 && target_version == 0
    when current_version > target_version
      down(target_version, &block)
      up(target_version, &block)


target_version came from that VERSION environment variable, but most of the time, if you’re running bundle exec rake db:migrate in a normal situation, it’ll be nil, so we call up(nil). If a specific version was passed, and it’s less than the current migration version (which is looked up from that ‘schema_migrations’ table), then down(target_version) is called.

The up method calls the next part of the chain, the Migrator:

def up(target_version = nil)
  selected_migrations = if block_given? { |m| yield m }
  end, selected_migrations, schema_migration, target_version).migrate


This method looks for migrations to run based on the block, if one is provided - in ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate one is provided:

migrate(target_version) do |migration|
    scope.blank? || scope == migration.scope

In other words, if ENV["SCOPE"] was provided to the Rake task, only migrations that match that scope will be run. Migration ‘scoping’ is based on the filename of the migration, according to the regular expression stored in ActiveRecord::Migration::MigrationFilenameRegexp:


In other words, migrations are expected to be named with two or three parts:

  • a version number (integer 0-9). This is usually a timestamp as seconds since epoch, but can just be an incrementing number. It has to be present, otherwise a IllegalMigrationNameError will be raised
  • the migration name - alphanumeric characters plus underscores. This is the part you normally parse out yourself when scanning the db/migrations/ directory - something like add_full_name_to_users.
  • the migration scope - after a full-stop character, but before “.rb”. The scope is used to group migrations. Often, this feature is used by Rails engines to identify the origin of a migration. By default, migrations are unscoped.

This is all useful to know, but for the purposes of continuing our journey, most of the time, scope is blank, so we run pass all migrations along to the Migrator class in our up method.


This class acts as the ‘controller’ for a set of migrations. The primary responsibility it has is to prepare a list of migrations to run, and to then actually run these migrations (with some advisory lock decoration when this is is supported).

When the class is initialized, it sets up the schema migration database table (a reminder - ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration is an internal database table that is used to store the version numbers of migrations that have been run), and the internal metadata key-value table that ActiveRecord uses to store metadata, like the environment that migrations were last run in.

This class supports running a single migration (provided by ‘target version’ - e.g. that ENV['VERSION'] environment variable again). It uses the run method for this In the case of doing a normal bundle exec rake db:migrate though, it performs a different action, called migrate (unsurprisingly). Migrate wraps an advisory lock around running the migrations. An advisory lock is a feature of some of some database engines supported by Rails, which is just that - advisory. The migrations check for an advisory lock, and if one exists in the database, a ConcurrentMigrationError is raised, halting the migrations. If a lock doesn’t already exist, a new advisory lock is created, preventing any other migrations being run until the advisory lock is released.

With the advisory lock issued, or if advisory locks are not enabled, migrate_without_advisory_lock is called, getting a step closer to running migrations.

def migrate_without_lock
  if invalid_target?

  result = runnable.each(&method(:execute_migration_in_transaction))

invalid_target? only runs if an actual target_version is provided - it ensures that the version that was provided is not zero, and that a migration actually exists that matches that version.

The actual ‘migration’ is pretty simple - it calls ‘execute_migration_in_transaction’ with each migration. The runnable definition is worth looking into, since it’s actually the thing that decides what will be run:

def runnable
  runnable = migrations[start..finish]
  if up?
    runnable.reject { |m| ran?(m) }
    # skip the last migration if we're headed down, but not ALL the way down
    runnable.pop if target
    runnable.find_all { |m| ran?(m) }

The migrations method is also relevant:

def migrations
  down? ? @migrations.reverse : @migrations.sort_by(&:version)

So, if we are migration ‘up’ (which we are, since we’re running db:migrate and not db:rollback), migrations are ordered by their version (e.g. in ascending order). Any migrations that have already been run are skipped - migrations have been run if they exist in the schema_migrations table. start is determined by the current migration version (again, this is the ‘maximum’ value number fom the schema_migrations table), or zero if there are no version numbers in the table (this is the case, for example, with a just-created database). finish is determined by either the index of the migration file if a target version has been provided (which is not the case, if rake db:migrate is being run without any environment variable arguments), or the last index of the migrations list (e.g. size - 1).

execute_migration_in_transaction is the final step in the Migrator before the actual migration is ‘called’ (we’ll get to what this means in a second):

def execute_migration_in_transaction(migration)
  return if down? && !migrated.include?(migration.version.to_i)
  return if up?   &&  migrated.include?(migration.version.to_i) "Migrating to #{} (#{migration.version})" if Base.logger

  ddl_transaction(migration) do
rescue => e
  msg = +"An error has occurred, "
  msg << "this and " if use_transaction?(migration)
  msg << "all later migrations canceled:\n\n#{e}"
  raise StandardError, msg, e.backtrace

The first two lines guard against the migration already being run. Next, the migrator opens a database transaction (ddl_transaction calls use_transaction?, which wraps the block in a transaction unless the migration itself has signalled that it should not be run in a transaction (which is necessary for some specific database operations, and can be specified in a migration using the disable_ddl_transaction! method, or if transactions are disabled or unavailable for the database connection).

After the transaction is begun, the migrate method is called on the migration, then record_version_state_after_migrating is called, which updates the schema_migrations table. If anything goes wrong during the migration, a descriptive error is raised. You might recognise this error message from your own migrations: “An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled”.

Your migration! (ActiveRecord::Migration)

At this point, the migrator has figured out which migrations need to be run, and is running them one by one in a transaction. It’s now up to your migration. Let’s say the migration you’ve written performs the following action:

class CreateBlogs < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  def change
    create_table :blogs do |t|
      t.string :name, unique: true

That square-bracket syntax is a bit unusual. It’s the way that Rails has chosen to be able to support older migrations written for previous versions of Rails. The ActiveRecord::Migration class implements the self.[] method, which looks up the correct concrete migration class to use from the ActiveRecord::Migration::Compatibility class. This class contains a number of subclasses named after Rails major/minor versions, where each subclass overrides the current (e.g. Rails 6.1) migration methods to apply the previous versions’ default options. In this way, migrations back to Rails 4.2 can be supported, even though ActiveRecord 6.1 is installed. Neat!

We saw that the ActiveRecord::Migration::Migrator calls the migrate method on the migration class. What does this look like?

Turns out it’s pretty simple:

def migrate(direction)
  new.migrate direction


OK, so this creates a new instance of the migration class, and then calls migrate on that. Here’s the instance method:

# Execute this migration in the named direction
def migrate(direction)
  return unless respond_to?(direction)

  case direction
  when :up   then announce "migrating"
  when :down then announce "reverting"

  time = nil
  ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do |conn|
    time = Benchmark.measure do
      exec_migration(conn, direction)

  case direction
  when :up   then announce "migrated (%.4fs)" % time.real; write
  when :down then announce "reverted (%.4fs)" % time.real; write

So, if the direction is :up (which it is for our purposes, since we’re running bundle exec rake db:migrate), it announces that the migration is beginning, then calls exec_migration (the next step!) using a connection checked out from the connection pool and wrapped in Benchmark.measure to measure the amount of time taken to run the block (i.e. the actual migration operations). Once that’s done, the connection pool block completes, returning the connection to the pool, then the total time taken to run the migration is announced. With these announce methods, the migration will run, and the migration output you are probably used to will be shown:

== 20210404082749 CreateBlogs: migrating ======================================
-- create_table(:blogs)
   -> 0.0091s
== 20210404082749 CreateBlogs: migrated (0.0092s) =============================

So, migrate instruments the actual migration operation, and provides some informative messaging output. What about the actual migration? For that, we need to jump into one more method - exec_migration:

def exec_migration(conn, direction)
  @connection = conn
  if respond_to?(:change)
    if direction == :down
      revert { change }
  @connection = nil

Some of these methods are maybe starting to look familiar, and may even match what is in your migration! If the migration has a change method, and the direction is not :down, then the change method of our migration is called, using the passed-in connection from the connection pool. If the migration does not implement change (it is optional after all, but if you don’t implement change, then you should ideally implement both up and down to make sure your migration can run in both directions), then it calls either the up or down method, depending on the direction - this will be the up method in our case, since we’re migrating and not rolling back.

Now, whatever is in our own migration’s change method will be run, altering the database!

Rolling back a change method wraps the change method in a block passed to revert. This method is called on the database connection, which reverses any operations called on the connection within the block - create_table becomes drop_table, add_column becomes remove_column, etc.

Updating db/schema.rb

If you’ve run a migration before, you’ll probably have noticed that running a migration (or rolling back a migration) tends to also update db/schema.rb. Where does this change come from? To answer this question, we need to go all the way back to the db:migrate Rake task definition, and take a closer look at the last line:

desc "Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)."
task migrate: :load_config do
  original_db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config
  ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env).each do |db_config|

So, migrations are run, and then another Rake task is called - db_namespace["_dump"]:

task :_dump do
  if ActiveRecord::Base.dump_schema_after_migration
  # Allow this task to be called as many times as required. An example is the
  # migrate:redo task, which calls other two internally that depend on this one.

This is just a proxy for rake db:schema:dump then - if dump_schema_after_migration is truthy, it calls the actual task, then re-enables itself to allow it to be called again (by default, Rake tasks can only be invoked once, hence why it must be re-enabled).

The rake db:schema:dump task looks very similar to the migration task:

task dump: :load_config do
  ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.env).each do |db_config|


It looks up which connection configurations should be used for database tasks, establishes a connection, and calls dump_schema on DatabaseTasks.

Going all the way down the rabbithole of how the schema gets dumped is probably another step-through in it’s own right. Let’s stop here by noting that ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.dump_schema uses ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper to produce a formatted Ruby file containing the necessary ActiveRecord methods to reconstruct the database.

This is the case if the schema format is set to :ruby, which is the default. The schema can also be stored as SQL, which allows the exact database schema to be dumped to a file named db/structure.sql, at the expense of database engine compatibility (e.g. a dumped PostgreSQL schema will only be restorable to databases using the PostgreSQL database engine, not MySQL, SQLite or others). When preparing structure.sql, a database engine-specific tool is used to dump the schema, rather than anything in ActiveRecord. For PostgreSQL, psql --no-owner --schema-only is used.

Once our migration is run, and schema.rb is updated with the database schema changes - that’s it! Our database is up to date, and ready for us to use the new or modified data structure our migration has handled.