Bad (but not obviously so):

data = { greeting: "Hello, world!" }"
  <h1>Show greeting:</h1>
  <p><%= greeting %></p>

# => <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p>Hello, world!</p>

The question is - what happens if greeting is something different…like <script>alert('greeting!')</script>? Perhaps, if you’re used to Rails, not what you might expect:

data = { greeting: "<script>alert('greeting!')</script>" }"
  <h1>Show greeting:</h1>
  <p><%= greeting %></p>

# => <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p><script>alert('greeting!')</script></p>

ERB is a templating language, but the content it expects is agnostic - it could be HTML, script, CSS, text…anything. Because of this, it doesn’t perform any sanitisation or escaping for you.

One option here is to wrap everything in methods like CGI.escapeHTML, but in a Rails environment, it’s much better (and safer!) to instead rely on Rails’ existing rendering mechanisms!


data = { greeting: "<script>alert('greeting!')</script>" }
  inline: "
    <h1>Show greeting:</h1>
    <p><%= greeting %></p>
  locals: data
# => <h1>Show greeting:</h1> <p>&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;greeting!&#39;)&lt;/script&gt;</p