Tonight I’ve been playing round with Radiant - it looks really impressive as a content-management system, and I’ve been thinking about ways I can change it round to support vendors - that is, one person or organization offering Radiant as a service to multiple clients - basically, it would be one big Radiant application (to simplify administration and server maintenance), but would be scoped (for administrative users) just to that organization - nothing would be different from them, aside from the fact that the vendor can use one instance of the application to create, modify and maintain many organizations’ Radiant content management systems.  My motivation for doing this is to try and create something I thought of a bit earlier today - a service to help low-level, low-budget schools (Primary to Intermediate) to move services and content online in a way that they can manage themselves. Radiant seems to be an excellent option in this regard - supporting diverse and flexible themes, and with plenty of extensions to offer additional functionality for little work. What I want, though, is a sort of dashboard for myself - I want to have a nice interface to have overall control over each installation, and for me to administer the site myself if that is a client’s preference. In addition, by using the method of scoping a ‘site’ to an organization, some cool things are possible, like an online signup wizard that would allow a client to set up a site without any initial involvement from me - because it is just records being inserted into a database, and not an entire application being created, this type of process becomes very easy. It’s early days yet, of course, but something in the educational area is what I’ve been wanting to tackle for a while now - let’s see how it goes. For more information about Radiant CMS, see For more information about what I am doing, follow my github repository: